Antiquarian Books, Maps, Prints & Photographs II
Antiquarian Books, Maps, Prints & Photographs II
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1. Burma
a. Princesse birmane dans les jardins du palais (Princess Birmane in the Palace Garden)
b. Le tatouage chez les katchins (The Tattoo at the Katchins)
c. La dance du papillon (The Dance of the Butterfly)
d. Ceremonie funebre dans la tribu des Cariens (The Funeral Ceremony of the Criens Tribe)
e. Adoration des esprits dans un village (Adoration of the Spirits in a village)
f. Coin d’un marche (The Corner of the Street)2. Afghanistan
a. Village de trivu nomade sur le Hilmend, Peche, Chuta de la riviere Kaboul (Village of the Nomadic Tribes on the Hilmend, Peche)
b. Porte de Bala-Hissar, Passe de Khaiber, Types de l’armee Afghan (Doorway to Bala Hissar, Khyber Pass, Types of the Afghan Army)
c. Mosquee d Achmed Shah, Kandahar, Afghans de qualite, Kaboul, Porte et rue des Bazars (Mosque of Ahmed Shah, Kandahar, Afghans of Status, Kabul, Door and the Road to the Bazar)
d. Citadelle de Heart, Tombeau du Shah Rukh, Armurier a Heart (Citadel of Heart, Tomb of Shah Rukh, Gunsmith at Heart)
e. Dans le defile de Bolan, Maisons Afghans (Afghan Homes in the March to Bolan)
f. Kandahar, Mollah prechant la guerre (Kandahar, Mullah Preaching the War)